
what i learnt today in web development

 i refreshed my mind on internal, inline and external css styling methodologies using the following: for inline css we use: <body Style = "background-colour": Black> for external css, you need create a css file and link the page you want to reference to it with this code: <link rel ="stylesheet" href = "csss/style.css"> for internal css <style> Body {background-color: blue"> </body> i also learnt some cool stuffs on css selectors, some classes and Ids, also about favicons and html divs showing the box model.

My sacrifice is a strong desire and my time

 hello guys and welcome to my self development blog. i intend to sacrifice my time this year to push myself beyond all limits. i am a full time crypto trader. crypto has taken  a down turn this year and i intend to argument my income by learning web development with digital marketing. also i will be looking at trading strategies and finance also. so sit back lets use this remaining 3 months to fight a war fare of life.